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CS310 Data Structures Programming Assignment 4: Stacks and Queues

Problem Scenario
The real estate office is located in the middle of Denver, where parking is scarce. Therefore, the office maintains some cars for the realtors to use. Due to limited space in the city, parking for the cars is only available one narrow lot that will hold two lines of parked cars.
Small basic cars are parked in one single line and larger luxury cars are parked in a second single line. There is only one entrance/exit for each line, at the front of lot. Cars are numbered, starting from 1 in the basic line, and continuing the numbering in the luxury line. The lines can currently hold 4 basic cars and 3 luxury cars.
So the basic cars will be numbered 1 to 4, and the luxury cars will be numbered 5 to 7. BasicCar1 BasicCar2 BasicCar3 BasicCar4 LuxuryCar5 LuxuryCar6 LuxuryCar7
This program will use stacks and queues to control use of vehicles in the lots.
As a reward for top sellers, realtors with over $1,000,000 in property listings have access to the luxury cars. When a realtor requests a car, they will be assigned the first available car from the appropriate line. A top seller is assigned cars from the luxury car line, and everyone else gets cars from the basic car line.
If all cars from the luxury line are gone, a top seller may be assigned a car from the basic car line. If all cars from both lines in the lot are out, or the realtor is not a top seller and the basic car line is empty, the realtor must wait until a car is returned. The requesting realtor is placed into a queue. There will be a queue for top sellers, and a queue for the other realtors. Realtors in the top seller queue will be assigned any returned cars before the realtors in the other queue.
Program Requirements
You will still be using the CS310< file to read an assn#input.txt input data file (as used for previous assignments), since you will still need to access the realtors, and will need to be able to determine which of them are top sellers.
The current CS310< file’s main method will start as it did in Assn 3, but will skip the initial report, and only print the cleaned report. So the method will read the realtor and property listing data from the input file and create the linked lists, traverse and display the linked lists, clean up the lists, and generate a report of realtors and property listings. Then, for this assignment, you will be building several new implementations, and adding code to the end of the main method to manage the cars.
A second input data file will be used to simulate realtors requesting cars and returning cars. The filename is to be carInfo.txt and will be located in the input folder. Each line of data will be (note that file is NOT comma delimited, like the realtor data file):
REQUEST realtorLicenseNumber
RETURN realtorLicenseNumber

The cars for each line in the lot will be stored in a stack. When a realtor requests a car, the next available car is provided (by popping a car off the stack).
You will create your own CarStackImpl using an array implementation. The data stored in each stack will be an integer, to represent the car number. Cars are numbered, starting from 1 in the basic line, and continuing the numbering in the luxury line (so the basic car stack will hold cars numbered 1 to 4. The luxury car stack will hold cars numbered 5 to 7). Use constants to define the car number ranges, so the program will work if the company decides to expand the available number of cars later.
Each stack should be initialized so that all the cars are in the stack, with the lowest car number at the bottom of the stack and highest car number at the top of the stack. Note that this means the stack will initially be full. When the stack is empty, there are no more available cars available of that type.
The CarStackImpl class should implement the ability to push and pop cars from the stack. You also need to include methods to determine if the stack is empty or full – and use these methods.
As realtors request and are assigned a car from the lot, you will need to be able to specify which realtor has which car.
Choose an appropriate data structure to store this information. This data structure (and its methods) should be implemented within a VehicleUsageImpl class. As realtors request and return cars, you will need to update the car usage information.
If a realtor requests a car, but there are not any cars available, the realtor will be assigned to a queue to wait for the next available car. If the realtor is a top seller, that realtor is assigned to the top seller queue. If the realtor is not, then the realtor is assigned to standard realtor queue. A new waiting realtor will be added to the rear of the queue’s linked list. When a realtor is assigned a returning car, and is removed from the queue, that realtor will be taken from the front of the queue’s linked list.
You will create your own RealtorQueueImpl using a singly linked list, with data field references to both the front and back nodes in the queues (you should be able to use your RealtorNode class from last week to build this linked list).
This implementation will be used to create two separate queues of RealtorNodes. The same implementation will be used to instantiate each queue (representing lines waiting for cars) – one queue for waiting standard realtors, and one for waiting top selling realtors.
The RealtorQueueImpl code should be able to add and remove realtors from a queue (i.e. the add method should have a Realtor as an input parameter, and the remove method should return a Realtor).
You will also need to build methods to check if a queue is empty or full, and use the methods. Be sure to check if a queue is empty, before trying to remove a realtor from it. A queue will only be considered full if memory allocation fails when you try to instantiate a new node object.
The realty office also wants the program to check for other office workers trying to use the company cars. If a realtor requests a car, but his/her realtor license number is not in your Realtor linked list (built using the code from Assn 3), then issue an error message, ignore the request, and move on to the next request/return.

As each request/return action occurs, you will provide an audit trail.
A sample audit trail (for an implementation with only 2 cars per line, basic cars numbered 1 – 2 and luxury cars numbered 3 – 4) would look like the following.
Top seller Nick Noonan has been assigned luxury car number 3
Standard realtor Maria Munez has been assigned basic car number 1
Unknown realtor XX9999999 not allowed access to cars. Request ignored.
Standard realtor Joshua Jones has been assigned basic car number 2
Helen Hull waiting in standard realtor queue
Maria Munez has returned car number 1
Standard realtor Helen Hull has been assigned basic car number 1
John Johnson waiting in standard realtor queue
After processing the entire carInfo.txt input file, your application will provide a report with the existing car assignments (which realtor is currently using which car), which cars are available in each of the stacks (the top of the stack is to be listed first, followed by the other cars, in order as they are popped from the stack), and which realtors are still sitting in each of the queues (in the order that they were placed into the queue).
The report should be placed into a carUsageReport.txt file to be located in the output folder, and should be in the following format:
Helen Hull is using car number 1
Joshua Jones is using car number 2
Nick Noonan is using car number 3
No basic cars are available
Luxury car number 4 is available
There are no top selling realtors waiting
John Johnson is waiting
The program must follow all CS310 Coding Standards from Content section 1.9.
After creating the linked lists from last week, you will need to create and call several new methods within your CS310<lastname class:
ProcessCarInfo – read and process carInfo.txt data file. The audit trail will be displayed as you read and process the data file.
ProcessCarRequest – handle Realtor request for a car
ProcessCarReturn – handle Realtors returning a car to the lot

You will also add:
A method to the RealtorLogImpl class to find a realtor node in the linked list for a given realtor license number, and return the node (or null if the realtor is not in the list).
A method to the PrintImpl class, which will create the final carUsage.txt file.
The new implementation classes for this program are:
CarStackImpl – implementation of stack of cars with car numbers. Note that you will instantiate two different stacks (basic and luxury) from the same CarStackImpl class.
VehicleUsageImpl – keeps track of which Realtors are currently using which cars
RealtorQueueImpl – implementation of queue of Realtors waiting for cars. Note that you will instantiate two different queues (standard and topSeller) from the same RealtorQueueImpl class.
Additional Requirements
 Create and/or modify Javadoc headers, and generate Javadoc files
 Your input data files will still be read from the input folder in your project.
Place all test data files that you create to test your program in the input folder of your project, and name them as follows:
Input files containing Realtors and Properties:
(i.e. number each data file after the filename of assn4input.txt)
Input files containing car requests and car returns:
(i.e. number each data file to correspond to the assn4input.txt file used, and add letters for multiple test of the same assn4input.txt input file)
Together, all of your test data files should demonstrate that you have tested every possible execution path within your code, including erroneous data which causes errors or exceptions.
 Your output report files will still be written to the output folder in your project.
 Add screen shots of clean compile of your classes to the documentation folder.
WARNING: Submittals without the clean compile screenshots will not be accepted.
(This means that programs that do not compile will not be accepted)

Program Submission
This programming assignment is due by midnight of the date listed on the Course Assignments by Week page of the Content.
 Export your project from NetBeans using the same method as you did for weeks 1 – 3.
o Name your export file in the following format: CS310<lastnameAssn<
For example:
NOTE: Save this zip file to some other directory, not your project directory.
 Submit your .zip file to the Prog Assn 4 Submission Folder (located under Assignments tab in online course).
Warning: Only NetBeans export files will be accepted. Do not use any other kind of archive or zip utility.
Grading Your program will be graded using the rubric that is linked under Student Resources page.
WARNING: Programs submitted more than 5 days past the due date will not be accepted, and will receive a grade of 0.

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