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Application that shows how class inherit from parent class and implement an interface Solved

Designing an application that shows how class inherit from parent class and implement an interface.

Class diagram has been provided to follow



+drive() : void

+stop() : boolean

+steer : (int)


+doors : Integer

+wheels : Integer

+color : String


+drive() : void

+stop() : boolean

+steer(int) : void


+Badge : String

+Year : Integer

+Price : Double


+Gear : Integer

+horn : Integer


+drive() : void

+stop() : boolean

+steer(int) : void

+honk() : void



+drive() : void

+stop() : void

+steer(int) : void

+honk() : void


No user input require


For each class created output the total to the screen.

proper use to package is necessary
all sub classes must override toString method with simple String message, use System.out.println statement for output
create instance variables and method shown in Class diagram for all classes
create an interface called Vehicle
create a parent class called Car which implements Vehicle interface
create a parent class called Truck which implements Vehicle interface
create a child class called Ferrari which extends from Car class
create a child class called Ford which extends from Truck class
create a class called TestClass with main method
create instance variable of type ArrayList in TestClass to hold instance of Ferrari and Truck classes
add few instances of both classes into ArrayList object
loop over ArrayList and call display method of objects in ArrayList

The following is a sample run of the program:

Ferrari class: ### I'm a Ferrari car, my color is (some color) and have (no. of doors) doors ###

Ford class: *** I'm a Ford truck, and I have (no of gears) gears ***

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