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Functions Workshop 6 Solution

In this workshop, you will code a modular C-language program.
Upon successful completion of this workshop, you will have demonstrated the abilities:
 to code a function for each module of a program
 to return the result of a function’s operations
 to call a function with several arguments of different type
 to describe to your instructor what you have learned in completing this workshop and explain modularity in terms of the reusability of logic

The rental.c template file has already implemented the following:
 Displays the following menu list inside a do-while loop construct:
1.) Rental Status
2.) Apply Charges
0.) Log out
 Captures user input for the above options and stores to an int variable named “option”
 Ability to iterate multiple menu choices (until 0 is entered) with required selection construct to direct process flow to the required logic/functionality (using switch). Refer to the comments for each case to identify the functionality required.
 Displays an error message for invalid menu option selections in the default case
 Initial output information for menu options 1 and 2 is provided with the relevant formatting.
 The template program has two rental accounts already defined and initialized with the following information using a struct Rental array named vRent. struct Rental has three member variables named int id , double baseDay and double earnings.
 Case-2 has implemented the following, required to apply charges to the relevant rental account:
o Prompts the user to input a vehicle ID number
o Searches through all Rentals (vRent array) to find whether the Vehicle ID exists. If it exists, the matching array index is stored to a variable named flag. If it is not found, an error message is displayed.
You are required to complete the following functionality.
Define and Implement addPositive Function
 Prototype a C function called addPositive with two input parameters “double amount and double newAmount” before the main function
 Implement addPositive function anywhere below its prototype definition with two input parameters “double amount and double newAmount”. This function adds the values of both input parameters only if newAmount is a positive value; otherwise, amount value is unaltered. This function returns the resulting amount as a double.
Implement “Rental Info Display” functionality in Case 1
 Display “id and earnings” of the struct Rental array using a loop construct. Use the following formatting for the printf statement.
%8d %10.2lf  (id, earnings)
 After completing the display, enter a newline using a printf statement.
Implement “Apply rental charges” functionality in Case 2
 If the Rental ID is found in vRent array, then do the following, inside
“if (flag != -1)” code block:
o Prompt and capture the duration in days of the car rental.
o Calculate the base price by multiplying the duration (days) and baseDay rate (e.g: 9.95 or 19.95) for the rental
o Prompt and capture traveled distance in kilometers of the car rental.
o Calculate the kilometer cost of the rental as per the following chart. distRate1 and distRate2 are defined at the beginning of the template file.
Description Variable Name Rate / km
Rate per Kilometer from 0km to 100km (inclusive)
Rate per Kilometer above 100km
o Add the “base price” and “kilometer cost” and store to a temporary double variable named charge
o Call the addPositive function supplying it with the current earnings for the rental and charge (calculated above) as arguments assigning the returned result back to earnings
o Display a message showing the base price, kilometer cost and the new earnings (base + kilometer cost) with the following formatting: %6.2lf %6.2lf %6.2lf  (base price, kilometer cost, earnings)
 Please refer to the sample output below for exact message contents and formatting
Your program is complete, if your output matches the following output. Numbers/ text in red color shows the user’s input.
***** Rental Vehicle Management App *****
1.) Rental Status
2.) Apply Charges
0.) Log out
Please enter an option to continue: 2
-- Rental Charges --
Enter vehicle ID: 123
Enter Rental Period (in Days): 2
Enter kilometers driven: 125
Base kmCost Total
====== ====== ======
19.90 81.25 101.15
1.) Rental Status
2.) Apply Charges
0.) Log out
Please enter an option to continue: 2
-- Rental Charges --
Enter vehicle ID: 124
Enter Rental Period (in Days): 3
Enter kilometers driven: 79
Base kmCost Total
====== ====== ======
59.85 54.51 114.36
1.) Rental Status
2.) Apply Charges
0.) Log out
Please enter an option to continue: 2
-- Rental Charges --
Enter vehicle ID: 125
ERROR: Vehicle ID does not exist.
1.) Rental Status
2.) Apply Charges
0.) Log out
Please enter an option to continue: 1
-- Rental Vehicle Status --
ID# Earnings
-------- ----------
123 101.15
124 114.36
1.) Rental Status
2.) Apply Charges
0.) Log out
Please enter an option to continue: 0
To test and demonstrate execution of your program use the same data as the output example above or any information needed.
If not on matrix already, upload your rental.c to your matrix account. Compile and run your code and make sure everything works properly.
Then run the following script from your account: (replace profname.proflastname with your professors Seneca userid)
~profname.proflastname/submit 144_w6_lab <ENTER
and follow the instructions.
If the professor is not satisfied with your implementation, your professor may ask you to resubmit. Resubmissions will attract a penalty.
AT_HOME: (30%)
The rental2.c template file has already implemented the following (rental2.c is an extension of rental.c):
- Changed the value of noVehicles to 3.
- Increased the content of the vRent array to 3 rentals as following: id baseDay earnings
- Expanded the menu list to include options 3 & 4 after option 2 with the following
o Apply Taxes to All Rentals
o Apply Gift Card
- Have created two switch-cases for option 3 & 4 after case 2. Initial output information for menu options 3 and 4 is provided with the relevant formatting.
- Case-4 has also implemented the following required to apply Gift Card amount to the relevant rental account:
o Prompt the user to input a vehicle ID number
o Search through all Rentals (vRent array) to find whether the Vehicle ID exists. If it exists, the matching array index is stored to a variable named flag. If it is not found, an error message is displayed
You are required to complete the following functionality.
Copy Case-1 and Case-2 contents as required from rental.c to rental2.c along with your user variables. See comments in rental2.c for more information.
Define and Implement taxCalc Function
 Prototype a C function called taxCalc with two input parameters “double price and double rate” before the main function. See comments in rental2.c to see where to place the prototype function.
 Implement taxCalc function anywhere below its prototype definition with two input parameters “double price and double rate”. This function calculates the taxes for the price using the rate given. This function returns the resulting taxes as a double. Define and Implement subtractPositive Function
 Prototype a C function called subtractPositive with two input parameters “double amount and double newAmount” before the main function. See comments in rental2.c to see where to place the prototype function.
 Implement subtractPositive function anywhere below its prototype definition with two input parameters “double amount and double newAmount”. This function subtracts newAmount from amount parameter only if newAmount is a positive-value; otherwise, amount value is unaltered. This function returns the resulting amount as a double.
Implement “Apply Discount” functionality in Case 2
 Display the following after the call to addPositive function with earnings and charge Apply Discount: <
 Prompt the user to input ‘Y’ or ‘y’ to apply discount. If the input is either ‘Y’ or ‘y’ call subtractPositive function with current earnings for the rental and discount (double discount is defined at the beginning of the main function in rental2.c) as arguments and assign the returned result back to earnings.
 Modify the display message to include discount status and new total (base + kilometer cost – discount) with the following formatting
%6.2lf %6.2lf %10c %6.2lf  (base price, kilometer cost, discount status, earnings)
Implement “Apply Taxes” functionality in Case 3
 Iterate all rental vehicles using a loop construct. For each vehicle, call taxCalc
function with current earnings and taxRate (double taxRate is defined at the beginning of the main function) as arguments and assign the returned result to a temporary variable called double taxes
 Then call addPositive function with the current earnings and taxes (calculated above) as arguments and assign the returned result back to earnings for the respective rental.
 After completing the display, enter a newline using a printf statement.
Implement “Apply Gift Card” functionality in Case 4
 Display the following inside if (flag != -1) code block: Enter Gift Card Amount: <
 Prompt the user to input a gift card amount
 Call subtractPositive function with current earnings and the above gift card amount and assign the returned result back to earnings.
Program completion
Your program is complete if your output matches the following output. Numbers/ text in red color shows the user’s input.
***** Rental Vehicle Management App *****
1.) Rental Status
2.) Apply Charges
3.) Apply Taxes to All Rentals
4.) Apply Gift Card
0.) Log out
Please enter an option to continue: 2
-- Rental Charges --
Enter vehicle ID: 123
Enter Rental Period (in Days): 2
Enter kilometers driven: 125
Apply Discount: Y
Base kmCost DiscStatus Total
====== ====== ========== ======
19.90 81.25 Y 96.15
1.) Rental Status
2.) Apply Charges
3.) Apply Taxes to All Rentals
4.) Apply Gift Card
0.) Log out
Please enter an option to continue: 2
-- Rental Charges --
Enter vehicle ID: 124
Enter Rental Period (in Days): 3
Enter kilometers driven: 60
Apply Discount: N
Base kmCost DiscStatus Total
====== ====== ========== ======
59.85 41.40 N 101.25
1.) Rental Status
2.) Apply Charges
3.) Apply Taxes to All Rentals
4.) Apply Gift Card
0.) Log out
Please enter an option to continue: 2
-- Rental Charges --
Enter vehicle ID: 125
Enter Rental Period (in Days): 1
Enter kilometers driven: 223
Apply Discount: Y
Base kmCost DiscStatus Total
====== ====== ========== ======
29.95 129.27 Y 154.22
1.) Rental Status
2.) Apply Charges
3.) Apply Taxes to All Rentals
4.) Apply Gift Card
0.) Log out
Please enter an option to continue: 1
-- Rental Vehicle Status --
ID# Earnings
-------- ----------
123 96.15
124 101.25
125 154.22
1.) Rental Status
2.) Apply Charges
3.) Apply Taxes to All Rentals
4.) Apply Gift Card
0.) Log out
Please enter an option to continue: 3
-- Apply Taxes To all Accounts--
ID# Earnings Taxes
-------- ---------- ------
123 109.61 13.46
124 115.42 14.18
125 175.81 21.59
1.) Rental Status
2.) Apply Charges
3.) Apply Taxes to All Rentals
4.) Apply Gift Card
0.) Log out
Please enter an option to continue: 4
-- Apply Gift Card --
Enter vehicle ID: 125
Enter Gift Card Amount: 23
Discount Applied
1.) Rental Status
2.) Apply Charges
3.) Apply Taxes to All Rentals
4.) Apply Gift Card
0.) Log out
Please enter an option to continue: 1
-- Rental Vehicle Status --
ID# Earnings
-------- ----------
123 109.61
124 115.42
125 152.81
1.) Rental Status
2.) Apply Charges
3.) Apply Taxes to All Rentals
4.) Apply Gift Card
0.) Log out
Please enter an option to continue: 0
Please provide brief answers to the following questions in a text file named reflect.txt.
1) In 3 or 4 sentences explain the term “function” and briefly discuss the need for functions in any language?
2) Comment on the modularity and reusability of the addPositive and subtractPositive functions. (Hint: Each function was called twice for different purposes each time)
3) In 2 or 3 sentences explain how to send data to and receive data from functions?
Note: when completing the workshop reflections it is a violation of academic policy to cut and paste content from the course notes or any other published source, or to copy the work of another student.
To test and demonstrate execution of your program use the same data as the output example above.
If not on matrix already, upload your rental2.c and reflect.txt to your matrix account. Compile and run your code and make sure everything works properly.
Then run the following script from your account (replace profname.proflastname with your professors Seneca userid):
~profname.proflastname/submit 144_w6_home <ENTER
and follow the instructions.
Please note that a successful submission does not guarantee full credit for this workshop.
If the professor is not satisfied with your implementation, your professor may ask you to resubmit. Resubmissions will attract a penalty.

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