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Assignment 7: Mini OOP Application

Learning Outcomes

1.1. Implement classes – constructors, properties
1.2. Do validation within accessors
1.3. Utilize arrays of objects
1.4. Call instance methods and properties

Program Overview

The New Library is commissioning a prototype of an application to keep track of inbound books for their internal system. Their external front-facing system keeps track of their catalog and provides extensive functionality. However, this new internal system is basic and is needed only to keep track of the books waiting to be entered into their full-fledged catalog.

For this internal system, the New Library would like to keep track of the title of books as well as the book year. These titles and years will be entered manually by users of the system. The New Library also has a standard practice that dates back more than a hundred years: books having inaccurate or no publication year listed use the year 1900, which was the first year at the
last turn of the century.

The New Library System should be basic: on its startup, the system should ask the user how many books need to be entered into the system. It should then ask for the book title and publication year. After the specified number of books have been entered into the system, it should let the user know entries is complete. The system should finally show a neatly organized list of the new books and their publication years.
The New Library does not want any error messages to be shown. However, if the book publication year is not valid, which is to say that it doesn’t fall between the years of 1100 (roughly when the Oxford University was founded) and the current year of 2017, it wants the year to automatically default to 1900.

Sample Ou2tput

Set accessor modifies bad values


 Create a class for Book – it must have appropriate properties and at least one constructor.
o All properties must be manually implemented – with corresponding instance
variables, get/set accessors, etc.
 The property for the publication year must check to see if the value for the year being set is valid. If it is not valid, it must use the default value specified in the description above.
 Create one class for the Library System
o It should have at least one constructor
o It should have an array of books.
o Create a DisplayHeader() method that clears the console and writes the title of the application at the top.
o Create an AddBook() method that asks the user for information on one book and adds it to the array of books.
o Create a DisplayBookList() method that loops through the array and displays a list of the books and their publication year.
o Have a LoadLibrarySystem() method that asks the users how many books are
needed and calls all the other methods as appropriate in the proper sequence.
 You are free to have more classes, e.g. menu classes, etc.
 Follow principles of object-oriented design – your program shouldn’t just work – it should work by properly utilizing properties, accessors, constructors, preserving
encapsulation by making public only that which absolutely must be public, re-using methods as necessary, and using instance methods/variables/properties.
o Nothing but the main method should be static.
 Your program should use all proper programming conventions, minimize redundancy, be neatly organized in its source code, look clean and be easily readable.
o Variable declarations should be grouped neatly at the top, followed by all the
properties, constructors, and then finally followed by all the methods.
o Organize methods by name in ascending alphabetical order.
 Your assignment will be graded using the above and not just basic working functionality.

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