Starting from:



In this task, you are going to enhance the functionality of the database program in assignment 1.
Recall that each student record in the database contains the following information.
Name at most 30 char (cannot contain the newline character, can contain anything
else but not NULL)
ID a unique identifier a positive integer of 7 digits (cannot be NULL)
Course 4 digit course code, a space, then at most 80 char
e.g. 1612 Master of Computer Studies (cannot be NULL)
List of
each subject consists of the following information:
1. year (4 digits)
2. session (one char A/S for autumn/ spring)
3. code (7 characters)
4. credit (2 digits, i.e., if the credit point is 6, it will be represented a 06)
5. Mark (0 to 100 or e or w)
e enrolled, w means withdraw
You may assume each student can be associated with at most 30 subjects
GPA the system should be able to calculate the GPA automatically based on
credit and mark of the subject list of the student
GPA is defined as:
(Sum of {credit of all subjects multiplied by their scores} divided by Sum of {credits of all subjects})
multiplied by 6 divided by 100
All subjects here means subjects that is not of the status e and w.
New commands in addition to those specified in assignment 1 in the main menu:
I Import from a binary file. The format of a binary file is up to your decision.
E Export to a binary file. The format of the binary file is up to your decision. The only
requirement is that it has to be compatible with the Import from a binary file function.
C Validate course information. Check for any mismatch between course code and
course name. Display the conflicting records and ask the user to choose one of the
two options:
- ignore
- all records to one of these conflicting names
O Options. Choose the order of display according to the three sort keys from the three
fields: Name, ID and GPA
Records should always be displayed according to the sort key and order.
Default option is shown below:
First Sort Key: ID , ascending
Second Sort Key: Name, ascending
Third Sort Key: GPA, descending
Remark: it means that records should be ordered according to the first sort key. If
they have the same first sort key, they are ordered according to the second sort
key (For easy implementation, it is possible for the user to set all three sort key to
the same field)
Records should always display according to the setting in this menu.
You can assume the maximum size of the database in this assignment is 100.
All commands are case sensitive. If the user enters an invalid input, your system should
prompt the user to re-enter. You can assume the user will never enter anything longer than
100 characters.
Do not alter the menu options or input data requirements as they will be used to test your
program. Comment your code appropriately.
Implement your program in stages. One possibility is to complete the Export to a binary file
function first, followed by the Import from a binary file. In order to test the read function, you
may write another “display” function which simply displays all records in memory.
Do not hesitate to ask your lecturer or lab tutor if you are unsure of anything or
encounter any difficulties. (Remember it is typically the software developer’s responsibility
to clarify the requirements of the software with the client.)
Important: YOU MUST SUBMIT A MAKE FILE that compiles your code on Banshee.
Your code should compile without any warnings.
To show all the warnings, you should compile with the -Wall option.
As usual, please start early. I am always happy to discuss with you about the idea.
Submit your program (and Makefile, if any) via the submit command.
submit –u userid –c CSCI124 –a ass2 filenames
Please make sure you receive the submission receipt after submitting your files.
Remember that you have to put the following information on the header of each source file
you will be submitting in this assignment:
􀁸 Student name
􀁸 Student number
􀁸 Lab
Please also submit a hard copy of your code to one of your tutors or the lecturer
anytime in week 7 (during the lecture, labs, or the consultation time of the lecturer)
after you obtained your submission receipt.
An extension of time for the completion of the assignment may be granted in certain
circumstances. A request for an extension must be made to the Subject Coordinator before
the due date. Supporting documentation must accompany the request for extension. Late
assignments without granted extension will be marked but the mark awarded will be reduced
by 1 mark for each day late. Assignments more than 3 days late will not be accepted.
For late submission, please use the command:
submit –u userid –c CSCI124 –a ass2-late filenames

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