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Having Game Master Class

Having Game 101

When you mention the phrase having game, most people will immediately get negative thoughts in their heads. Most people think of game as manipulating other people and using them to one’s own end. Having game is really much simpler than that, having game is really just the ability to use your current situation as a tool to get what you want. A lot of people don’t feel that they can use their current situation to get what they want because there are a lot of negative aspects of their current position in life that they feel are holding them back. What if I told you that having game means that you can turn those negatives into positive so that they can not only stop hindering you but help you to get what you want? This premium video will show you how to change your situation by using some of the worse things in your life to make your goals happen for you.

Having Game 102

A major part of getting what you want is knowing how to ask for it. Most people struggle to get what they want because they never really even take the time to find out what it is that they actually want. In order to ask for what you want, you have to first know what you want, then you have to figure out how what you want helps the other person. A huge part of having game is understanding others and knowing what it is that they want and need. Once you figure out what others want and what you want, then you can begin to go about the process of using that information to ask for what you really want. This premium video will show you how to navigate the pitfalls that come when asking for what you want and help you to make others believe that they are getting what they want by giving you what you actually want.

Having Game 103

Most people think that everything is over when they don’t get what they want and decide to walk away. Many people see this as the ultimate loss but it is really just a strategy to win if you do it correctly. If done right, walking away is the best form of game and has an extremely successful track record. This premium video will show you how to use walking away as a means of getting what you want in the long run. Instead of giving up, you will be setting up and figuring out how to secure your emotions while triggering theirs.


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