Looking for a simple, easy to follow cutting meal plan to help you burn fat and build muscle? Look no further, this 2500 calorie meal plan will be perfect for you. It will show you everything you need to know to meal prep 2500 calories a day for 5 days.
Not sure how to meal prep? Don't worry, this PDF covers this meal prep in it's entirety. For additional information about what is covered see below as well as the images above should assist.
- Printable meal plan (PDF)
- Full grocery list
- List of cooking utensilsList of supplements
- Cooking instructions
- Meal breakdown which includes all of the food in each meal as well as the protein, carbs, fats, and total calories.
If you're anything like me, I prefer having a hard-copy available so I can make my own notes, adjustments, or just visually see and cross off each meal I ate. Keep in mind, you may potentially need to modify this slightly based on your body type, activity level, etc... but it is a great place to start. I have personally followed this plan and seen great results from it which is why I wanted to share it. So what are you waiting for? Give it a try, I'm certain you will be glad you did.
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