Preview: is a celebrity. She has been featured on big TV channels, on some of the most well known newssites, over 100 million people have seen her on Facebook, and millions have seen her on Instagram!
She has taken the internet and the social media by storm, and when people hear the words "long hair" or "very long hair" they think about her!
She gives the words "very long hair" a completely new meaning!
Here is a link to an article about her from "Dailymail", a HUGE news company in the U.K.: is a link to an article about her from "Metro" ,another HUGE news company: is a link ot an article about her from "Barcroft" another HUGE news company: the list goes on..
We can not mention any more links here since it will only take up the whole description of the video, but needless to say, the whole world knows about her, and she is called "The Queen of Long Hair".
When a person has that title, you know that it´s serious and that the person has A LOT OF LONG HAIR!
Words can´t even describe her hair, her beauty, her hairlength, her hair thickness, and just look at how MUCH hair she has!
If someone told us about her without showing us a picture or video, we wouldn´t believe it, it is unbeliveable!
So by now, we all understand that she is the one and only Queen of SUPER long hair, Aliia Nasyrova.
Her hair is much longer than floor length, it is over 230 cm. long! OH. MY. GOD.
It weighs over 2 kg/4.4 pounds and it is SUPER thick as well as SUPER long and heavy.
Seriously, her hair weighs MORE than her CAT!
Her hair care and hair growth is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
She also really fits her hair, and you can see that she really enjoys having such long hair, which is such a lovely thing!
She is a super beautiful lady, and the hair makes it even better!
We are so super proud of her and the whole RealRapunzels team to have her as our model and we are looking forward to be working with her a lot!
If you like thick hair, long hair, heavy hair, beautiful hair, hair at all, or actually if you like beauty at all, this video is a MUST HAVE, so get it now! You will NOT regret it!
The video is of course in FULL HD and has great quality.
Great woman, great hair, great video!
This is a video you just have to see to believe, and this is a dream come true both for us, and for you.
This is normally a video that would have a high price due to the quality and the extreme hair of the model, but you can now get it for ONLY $12, plus you get 20% discount if you buy it within the first 24 hours!
This video is over 11 minutes, and nearly 12 minutes in length (11:54).
If you buy this video within the first 24 hours, you will get a discount of 20%!
Discount code: discount