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The Politcum

Politics are a very hot subject, now more than ever, and this collections has some of the greatest minds in political philosophy/science, from Machiavelli to the Founding Fathers.

The Occult University Library is proud to present 106 rare books ...

American government and politics 1910.pdf
American ideals 1897.pdf
An introduction to the problem of government 1921.pdf
An introduction to the study of government 1915.pdf
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 1890.pdf
Aristocratic government 1846.pdf
Bentham's Theory of legislation - 1914.pdf
Common Sense - 1776.pdf
Comparative free government 1915.pdf
Comparative politics 1874.pdf
Darwin and Hegel, with other philosophical studies 1893.pdf
Democracy and the organization of political parties 1902.pdf
Democracy versus autocracy 1918.pdf
Discourses concerning government V1 1750.pdf
Discourses concerning government V2 1750.pdf
English political philosophy from Hobbes to Maine 1899.pdf
Essays - scientific, political, and speculative V2 1904.pdf
Essays; moral, political and aesthetic 1880.pdf
Forgotten truths 1898.pdf
History of political literature from the earliest times 1855.pdf
Hobbes's Leviathan reprint from 1651 - 1909.pdf
Hume's political discourses 1906.pdf
Illustrations of universal progress 1883.pdf
Lectures on justice, police, revenue and arms 1896.pdf
Lee at Appomattox 1903.pdf
Machiavelli V1 1905.pdf
Machiavelli V2 1905.pdf
Method and results 1893.pdf
Of civil government and toleration 1905.pdf
On civil liberty and self-government 1853.pdf
On civil liberty and self-government 1859.pdf
Political disquisitions 1789.pdf
Political disquisitions V1 1789.pdf
Political disquisitions V2 1789.pdf
Political ideals 1917.pdf
Political science and comparative constitutional law V1 1902.pdf
Political thought in England 1915.pdf
Political writings 1915.pdf
Popular government 1886.pdf
Principles and problems of government 1921.pdf
Principles of government 1856.pdf
Principles of legislation 1830.pdf
Proceedings of The American Political Science Association V3 1907.pdf
Proceedings of The American Political Science Association V4 1907.pdf
Proceedings of The American Political Science Association V5 1907.pdf
Proceedings of The American Political Science Association V7 1907.pdf
Public opinion and popular government 1913.pdf
Rousseau's Social Contract - 1921.pdf
Studies in history and jurisprudence V1 1901.pdf
Studies in history and jurisprudence V2 1901.pdf
texts A fragment on government 1891.pdf
texts Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 1890.pdf
texts Bentham's Theory of legislation 1914.pdf
texts Political philosophy 1798.pdf
texts The beginning, continvance, and decay of estates 1606.pdf
texts The man versus the state 1902.pdf
The American citizen 1891.pdf
The American republic 1866.pdf
The crisis of liberalism 1909.pdf
The decline of aristocracy in the politics of New York 1919.pdf
The development of European polity 1903.pdf
The elements of politics 1897.pdf
The evolution of governments and laws 1916.pdf
The evolution of states 1912.pdf
The finishing stroke 1711.pdf
The government of man 1913.pdf
The government year book 1888.pdf
The historical, political, and diplomatic writings of Niccolo Machiavelli V1 1882.pdf
The historical, political, and diplomatic writings of Niccolo Machiavelli V2 1882.pdf
The historical, political, and diplomatic writings of Niccolo Machiavelli V3 1882.pdf
The historical, political, and diplomatic writings of Niccolo Machiavelli V4 1882.pdf
The Jeffersonian cyclopedia 1900.pdf
The Oceana - and other works of James Harrington Esq 1737.pdf
The political ideas of modern Japan 1903.pdf
The political institutions of the ancient Greeks 1895.pdf
The Political Writings of Rousseau 1915.pdf
The Politics of Aristotle V2 - 1887.pdf
The Politics of Aristotle V3 - 1887.pdf
The Politics of Aristotle V4 - 1887.pdf
The Prince - 1913.pdf
The process of government 1908.pdf
The reconciliation of government with liberty 1915.pdf
The republic of Cicero -1829.pdf
The Republic of Plato - 1923.pdf
The rights and duties of American citizenship 1898.pdf

And many more!!!

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