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56 Home Fitness Workout Videos - (Lose Weight, Tone Up, GET FIT & Feel Great)

For your one time payment of just $47 you get to download a digital Zip file containing a total of 56 Professionally Filmed "Home Fitness Workout" videos.


The video at the top of this page and at this link is an example of just one of the videos to which you will gain access and Legal Resale & Distrbution Rights to.


The 56 Videos range from those teaching Easy and Beginners techniques, through stage by stage all the way to Advanced.


They are ideal for hosting on You-Tube and using the videos as "Free Gifts" giving the links on your blogs and in emails and newsletters to attract more customers to your website for Weight Loss Hypnotherapy and other Health Related Treatments.


Or you could put them on a DVD-ROM and give your personal one to one clients a Percieved VERY HIGH value gift as part of their treatment package.


Or perhaps you'll offer them as a Bonus as part of a Home Study "Get Fit & Healthy" package that you may put together and sell for big profits on the internet.


The simple fact is that the only way to lose weight is to burn off more calories than you eat, and the only way to keep it off and under control is as part of a lifestyle that involves healthy eating (see my other packages) and also exercise.


Therefore this package of 56 videos will prove of invaluable use to Hypnotherapists, NLP'ers, Life Coaches and their clients.


Currently available at the Special Introductory price of just $47, but set to rise in price in the very near future.


These files are Zipped and thus if you do not have Zip Software on your computer you will also need to download one of the many Free Zip Softwares that are available on the internet to open them and gain access to them.

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