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PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT FOR BEGINNERS - (A Complete Psychic Work-Shop Style Mentalism Show)

Psychic Development for Beginners

A Complete Psychic Work-Shop Style Show


Within the 23 information packed large format A4 photo illustrated pages of this direct to the point PDF you will learn ideas that when combined and acted upon can easily help you to present a Unique Psychic Development Work Shop or “Develop your Psychic Powers” style act or show.

Revealed to you will also be the name of a paperback book that is available to the general public which is 100% Perfect for use as a prop within this style of presentation.

Indeed the book itself, although sold to the general public actually has nine ready made built in “Force Pages” within it spread throughout different sections of the book allowing you to perform several different styles and versions of extremely powerful “Book Test” with the book itself as will be taught to you within the pages of this PDF.

Further you will get ideas for almost three dozen different feature routines that can be built around the contents of the book and thus by virtue of them tying in perfectly with the books contents, in turn they become even more Powerful, Credible and Amazing as “The Real Thing”

This is the type of material and presentational framework that is most suited to those who present things as being “real” or at the very least let their audiences decide for themselves.

The concepts, ideas and methods revealed within this PDF will prove themselves worth their weight in gold to any Serious Minded Psychic Entertainer, Mystery Performer or Psychic Consultant.

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