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Invector Third Person Shooter Template

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  • On Sellfy you will have access to updates 3~6 days faster than the AssetStore
  • It's cheaper and you can download it right after purchase
  • You will be notified via email when a new update is available
  • Same support and same versions as the AssetStore
  • Support your devs! The fee on Sellfy is lower than the AssetStore.

[Require Unity 2021.3.29f1 LTS or higher]


Invector's Shooter Template is inspired by AAA shooters and includes all the features of the Basic & Melee template, plus:

  • ThirdPerson, TopDown, or 2.5D Shooter & Melee
  • Projectile bullets with trail renderer
  • Throwing objects with Trajectory system (grenade, bottles, etc..)
  • Melee attacks for fire weapons
  • Advanced damage based on distance & velocity 
  • Decal for projectiles based on tags (different materials)
  • Advanced Scope View
  • Aiming System with dispersion, range, shot frequency, recoil, etc...
  • Particles Effects

*Remember that the focus of this template is the Character Controller, it's not a Game Template, neither an AI template. The AI is just a cool bonus from the Melee Template
**Don't forget to make a backup of your project before importing a complete project.

You're not allowed to redistribute this package by any means, please remember that we work very hard on this tool and the reason that we continue to work is because of your support. You can, however, create your game and publish it to any platform of your interest without the need to ask for permission or credits us.


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