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Architects Markets 2020 edition

Vital information to help with business planning; trends and prospects analysed market by market. Even more relevant today, there is detailed analysis of what lessons we can learn from past recessions and forecasts of how architects' workloads could change over the period to 2022.

Architects Markets examines the long term trends, and future prospects, for architects' workloads.

Market by market, the cyclical patterns in architects' workloads are highlighted and future predictions presented. The figures will show you how workloads have changed, who is getting the work, what types of contracts are being used, and how the new build / refurbishment split is changing.

There's a wealth of data, clearly presented in 85 charts and 43 tables.

Statistics are analysed, looking back to 1964; over fifty years' worth of data. Cyclical trends are examined, the relationship between architects' workloads, construction output and GDP is explored. Future predictions are examined for eight specific market sectors.

which sectors are showing signs of growth?
what is the pattern across different regions of the UK?
what do architects think about their prospects?
Data is sourced from the long-established Architects Quarterly Workload Survey, originally commissioned by the RIBA, now carried out independently by Mirza & Nacey / The Fees Bureau.

Architects’ workloads are presented in detail for the main market sectors. These are:

private housing
public housing