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Continuum of Writing Outcomes French Language Arts Program of Studies 1998 Grades 10-12

The Introduction to the Alberta Programme d’études de français langue seconde - immersion (M-12) (1998) explains the understandings about language and literacy that are the basis for the general and specific outcomes for each grade level. The outcomes in this document should be read in the context of the Introduction and the introductions for each general outcome. Please refer to the Alberta Programme d’études de français langue seconde - immersion (M-12) (1998) for more information.

This document contains learning outcomes containing elements of writing from the Alberta Programme d’études de français langue seconde - immersion (M-12) (1998). This document provides an at-a-glance look at the writing outcomes for Grades 10 to 12.

It may be used by teachers to:
● understand the progression of writing outcomes from year to year
● support students working below or above grade level
● collaborate to support student achievement

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