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The Booty Whisper Pro (Hypnotic Command Plate)

What happens when you combine a reality hacking operating system with a powerful Radionics broadcasting plate that integrates hypnotic brainwave entrainment powered by a sacred geometry Core energy so that is linked to a quantum equation. And amplified by six powerful energetic servitors or agents that obey your every command.

You get booty whisper hypnotic command plate.

The powerful tool is the next evolution of cutting-edge personal Radionics devices.   

It is taken me over 32 years of research trial and error in order to create this product.   For years I have been developing the quantum love talismans. I studied a number of esoteric sciences are including voodoo mind controlled chaos magic sigil magic.   I have done extensive Sacred Geometry research making one of the most powerful paper chi generators on the planet. This is to date the most powerful paper radionics device that I have ever created.

The combination of scalar wave technology with Hypnotic entrainment allows this Radionics plate to achieve incredible results.

In this fast-paced social media generation sometimes you need an extra edge in order to get noticed in the area of romance. This tool gives you the fire to spark the flame of love and romance in finding the perfect partner in a relationship. 

When pursuing a partner it's very important to KEEP HER SATISFIED

The feelings of passionate, obsessive love, of being in love or infatuated, as well as elation, heightened energy, focused attention, obsessive thinking, and intense craving when she can’t stop thinking about you, is all related to the brains elevated production of the chemicals dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. All these hormones are released during great passionate sex.

Dopamine is the fundamental neurotransmitter associated with romantic love.

 The pro version of this product includes the following:

Powerful next-generation servitor or agent creation tool

This tool has been updated from previous generations allowing you to create six unique agents in five minutes.

The creation tool has been set up to be fast and efficient the interface has been simplified so that the user can quickly create their agents and then move on to the task at hand.

In addition, it includes two power suggestion plates.

The first plate is designed to send romantic thoughts while texting.

The second plate is designed to send romantic thoughts while hearing the voice of the user

This information has been filtered, updated and refined to assure optimum performance in our times. If done correctly these methods leave no room for error and no chance for failure. Take important note:

As a bonus, you also get the naughty thought generator.

Buy Right Now!!!!!!

When you are looking to capture the eye or perhaps heart of a girl or looking into how to seduce a girl over text, there are key factors you need to have in your back pocket.

No doubt, when you are looking to grab the eyes of a girl that’s interested in you, the best route is via text. Gone are the days of actually walking over to the front door and asking her out. Even picking up the phone to call a girl is falling off the charts.

Chin up! All you need these days is to have a phone or electronic device you can text on and her number, and you are set to seduce a girl over text.

I'll share with you right now a secret technology, that tend to turn women on, and make them want you!

Naughty Thought Generator (NTG)

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Most guys have no idea how to make women hot, wet and horny - desperate to get laid.

NTG is a Powerful Radionic device designed to remotely influence women on an energetic level. What does technology does is activates a female's body by sending powerful erotic images to the female targets mind? 

This causes the female to become extremely drawn to you sometimes without even her understanding of why she is feeling this way. The primary objective of NTG is to plant subliminal images of the erotic nature of her brain.

This is very powerful and should be used with caution.

NTG also allows you to send an erotic fantasy to your female target inter-mind.

This Technology has been tested, updated and refined to assure optimum performance for the user. If done correctly these methods leave no room for error and no chance of failure. Take important note:

NTG is a complete Radionics workstation design for remote seduction

NTG is connected to a powerful array of Radionics broadcasters.

NTG taps into Quantum Grid energy

NTG workstation can be operated through voice commands

No need to perform elaborate magical rituals have access to this cutting-edge technology on your desktop or mobile device. Be a real modern they sorcerer learning to focus and deliver your intent. There is a big difference. Magic rituals involve dogmatic belief systems that are not only inefficient but frankly just made up by Shamans and Sorcerers to justify the results. It's easier to do an act of focused intent and have it be respected if it is involved and secretive. The truth is, anyone, can do it!!!

Remember that we live in a holographic universe and you are created in the image of your creator.

So you are a god-like being with infinite potential

Learn these techniques and they can also be applied in other ways.

Just by sending simple sexual energy to a target will make them like you more.

This will help you just have a lot of female friends.

Also in this package is an audio seduction frequency that will enhance the Radionics operation. Play this frequency while you are doing the operation.

Buy Right Now!!!!!!

Copyright © 2018, Moonshadow. All Rights Reserved. This content may not be duplicated without written permission from the author.


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