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Sprain Sock Hop Part2

As already mentioned, Susanne hurts her foot more often, so it's no wonder that we meed her again some time later hopping with one shoe and one socked foot in the forest because she sprained her left ankle this time. Sometimes she needs to stop and holds on to a tree or something and dangles her socked left foot in the air ... After a long time of hopping she finds a bench and sit's down. She removes her one flat shoe from her right foot and rests both legs on the bench to relax a bit. She takes her mobile phone out of her jacket and calls somebody and explains this person what happened to her left foot. When she hangs up, she uses the camera of her mobile phone to shoot a picture of her socked feet and sends it to the person she was talking to at the phone. Then she puts her right shoe on again, struggles up from the bench and continues to hop along the way in the forest until she finally comes out of the forest and disappears around a corner and part 2 ends.

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