Starting from:


solstice golden dragon transmission

Details of the solstice Transmission

The Solstice transmission Will take place on sat the 22nd of June at 7:11pm uk time. we are being guided in the Solstice transmission to come together to deeply and profoundly empower the Golden Age timeline through working with the powerful golden dragons who are spiritual guardians and protectors of Gaia………...Currently we are collectively operating on two predominant timelines 1 is the closing down of the Kali yuga timeline and the other is the opening of the “Golden Age timeline” . Please know brothers and sisters that it is very important that we all come together on this portal date to assist in the final completion of the timeline of Kali yuga and deeply and absolutely empower the timeline of the Golden Age

This work is being directed by our Arcturian brothers and sisters who, in many ways can be viewed as the overseers and Architects of this particular planetary ascension. Our Arcturian brothers and sisters need Awakened ground crew in place in order to ground these powerful intentions onto our specific grid points, that will all link up around the world to create a unified grid of light that will Deeply empower the Golden Age timeline.

In this transmission we will also be working with empowering the Divine child as the core trump vibrational  template for the earthly plane and please know that this activation with the Divine child is intricately connected to the empowerment of the Golden Age timeline.

For all those who come forward to be part of this ceremony, please know that you will receive highly auspicious blessings from your higher self and from our Arcturian Star Family who are working so closely and diligently with all of us. Taking part in ceremonies of this calibre intensely accelerates your own spiritual evolutionary path and alignment with your true angelic Avatar self

please know that this transmission will not take place in the event is happening group it will take place in a secret group on Facebook and so it is absolutely imperative that all of you who sign up for the transmission receive the PDF instructions to join the secret group. I will be adding everybody to the secret group on Saturday 22nd of June

In love and light