Starting from:


10:10 mount shasta holy grail

10:10 mount shasta holy grail transmission


This transmission will take place at 8:08 on the 10th of October 2019 Pacific time I'm in this transmission we will be working specifically with activating a rainbow light Bridge from Babylon to Mount shasta which is the spiritual portal of Lemuria,


We are being guided to fully empower the Holy Grail codes on an individual and collective level and to set for and Anchor this template into the grid point that is Mount shasta


We are also being guided to work very closely with the 5th dimensional oceanic templates, we are being instructed to open specific stargates in the ocean that link directly with agathar,  and hold the key to our collective Ascension into 5th dimensional consciousness


We are being guided to work strongly with the dolphins and whales and indeed all marine life including the coral reefs activating a timeline of profound accelerated transformation and healing within oceanic Realms.  please know that this work reaches far into the multidimensional Realms and hugely assists in the upgrading of all life in the universe.


This sacred work is offered  on an energetic exchange basis


Please see below for full details on how to book


Please know that everybody who comes forward to be part of this ceremony will receive a highly auspicious galactic blessing empowering them ever deeper into the path of abiding spiritual leadership as we transition now from this current Age into the Golden Age.