Starting from:


6.6 master portal

6.6 master portal forgiveness Ceremony


The ceremony will take place on thursday the 6th of june at 7:11 p.m. UK time.It will take place as a live video in the Facebook group "the event is happening" the video is available to send as a recording if you are not able to make the live call….

The 6.6 master portal forgiveness ceremony

Please come forward on the 6th of june 2019 at 7.11pm uk time to take part in an extremely powerful forgiveness ceremony

The 6.6 portal heralds a time of equanimity and Atonement, In order to prepare our personal and collective energetic field for the Potent incoming gamma rays that are predestined to pour forth from our central sun alcion at the time of the june solstice.

We are being called to come together to initiate a soulful forgiveness ceremony in order to clear any debris that we as a collective unified field of starseeds are carrying on a personal and collective level…..

It is imperative that we come together at this time to initiate this ceremony as the energies that are aligning for the summer solstice are truly unlike anything we have ever known and are the preliminary energies for the next Wave of divine twin soul unions that will be

physicalising up to the 8.8 lions gate portal

This is an opportunity for us all to clear with the assistance of our most beloved galactic Arcturian soul family any last remaining karmic and ancestral layers of forgiveness that for  many starseeds have been very long standing and sticky

This is a highly auspicious ceremony to be a part of and please know that we are also being called to work with our galactic brothers and sisters to initiate a miraculous cleanup of the oceans on the Earth and all of Gaia's beaches that she be miraculously aligned with her pristine original blueprint.

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For all those who are unable to attend the Live event then the recording will be sent out afterwards.


This sacred work is offered on an energetic exchange basis please bear in mind to always send a donation in alignment with the level of transformation that you will see from taking part in these powerful life changing ceremonies.