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Project 2 Solution

In this project, implement the same simple student database using UDP as the transport protocol, rather than TCP.

You can reference the following sample codes when you make connections and see the differences from those using TCP.

Run your server program in zeus and your client program in eros.

C UDP sample code:

Java UDP sample code:

You do not have to stick to the above samples to make connections. You can use any that makes a UDP connection.


The functions of the client-server program stay the same as follows:

1. add(ID, Fname, Lname, score): this request adds a new student's information into the database.

2. display(ID): this request sends the ID of a student to the server and the server returns the information of the student.

2. display(score): this request sends a score to the server and the server returns the information of all the students whose scores are above the sent score.

3. display_all: this request displays the information of all the students currently in the database.

4. delete(ID): this request deletes the student entry with that ID.

5. quit: quit the client program.



In order not to lose any files, you'd better zip all your files into a .zip file. Submit your project to TRACS.

You should write a readme textfile telling the grader how to compile and run your programs.

Without this file, it is very likely that your project will not be run properly.

Please submit your program before deadline to TRACS. I do not accept programs through emails.

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