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ASSIGNMENT #2 Solution

Solve the following recurrence equation to get a closed-formula for T (n). Assume the n is a power of three.

T (n) = 1 if n = 1

2T n3 + n if n 2

Solve the following recurrence equation to get a closed-formula for T (n). Assume the n is a power of two.

T (n) = 1 if n = 1

T (n 1) + log n if n 2

Show how Quick-Sort algorithm works on the following input sequence S using the quick-sort tree.

Use the pivot rule that picks the element in the \middle": For an array A[0; 1; : : : ; n 1] of size n, it uses the element in A[n=2] as pivot if n is even and the element in A[(n 1)=2] as pivot if n is odd [5 Marks].

S = [85 24 63 45 17 31 96 50]

4. In any array A, an inversion is a pair of entries that are out of order in A. That is, an inversion is a pair (i; j) such that i < j and A[i] A[j]. Develop an algorithm for computing the number of inversions in a given array by modifying Merge-Sort. The running time of your algorithm should be O(n log n).

Consider an implementation of a stack using an extendible array. That is, instead of giving up with a \StackFullException" when the stack becomes full, we replace the current array S of size N with a larger one of size f(N) and continue processing the push operations. Suppose that we are given two possible choices to increase the size of the array: (1) f(N) = N + c (for convenience, we start with an initial array of size 0) (2) f(N) = 2N (we start with an initial array of size 1). Compare the two strategies and decide which one is better.

To analyse the two choices, assume the following cost model: A \regular" push operation costs one unit of time. A \special" push operation, when the current stack is full, costs f(N) + N + 1 units of time. That is, we assume a cost of f(N) units to create the new array, N units of time to copy the N elements and one unit of time to copy the new element.


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