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Programming Assignment 3 Solution

For this assignment, you will write one more implementations of a Priority Queue. Using the same interface as program #1, you will write a binary heap implementation.

Your heap implementation must have identical behavior, and must implement the PriorityQueue interface used in program #1. The implementation must have two constructors as in the first assignment--use the DEFAULT_MAX_CAPACITY in the interface for one constructor and take a size parameter for the second.

Thus, your project will consist of the following files. You must use exactly these filenames.

• The ADT interface (provided in prog1)

• The binary heap implementation.

Additional Details:

• Each method must be as efficient as possible. That is, a O(n) is unacceptable if the method could be written with O(log n) complexity. Both insert and removemust be O(log n)

• Your BinaryHeap must be stable--able to determine the oldest entry among those with identical priority.

• Your iterator must be fail-fast.

• You may not make any modifications to the PriorityQueue interface provided. I will grade your project with my copy of this file. This interface is UNCHANGED from projects #1 and #2

• All relevant requirements from the first assignment apply here.

The Report

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