Starting from:


Programming Assignment #1: Linked Lists Solution

Key Concepts:


Memory allocation and deallocation in C Compilation with Multiple Files

Runtime (a little) Recursion

Background Reading:

Section 1.7 of the Zybook (runtime) Chapter 2 of the Zybook (lists) Chapter 3 of Aho/Ullman (runtime) Chapter 6 of Aho/Ullman (runtime) Stanford C pointer tutorial

Stanford linked-list tutorial

Summary: you have been given a C implementation of a list ADT in which some functions are already written and some are not. Your job is to complete the unwritten functions. (In one case you will make

modifications to improve the runtime of one already implemented function).

Examine the files list.h and llist.c in the src directory where you found this handout. You will discover that it is a partially implemented linked list “module” or ADT.

The lists store numeric values (the type of which can be changed by altering the typedef for ElemType in list.h). The idea here is to allow some degree of flexibility in what a list stores -- however, for the purposes of this assignment, you don’t need to worry about this. Just continue to use ElemType as int.

The header file list.h file gives the interface for an ADT while the actual implementation is given in the llist.c file. The members of list_struct are also “hidden” in the .c file. The ADT defines many natural operations on lists -- some of these have already been implemented and will be used as motivating examples during lecture; others have not been implemented: It is your job to do the implementation! Look for TODO labels throughout the files.

A subtle detail: why did I decide to name the header file list.h (one ‘l’), but the implementation file

llist.c (two ‘l’s)???

Your Job: completion of all of the TODO items specified.


You cannot modify list.h

Exceptions: if you want to fiddle with different ElemType (e.g., double) OR

you want to add new sanity checkers to call externally.

All of your “real” work is in llist.c (except testing code).

Discussion: The given linked list structure has two “levels”:

At the “lowest” level are the linked-list nodes themselves specified as:

typedef struct node { ElemType val; struct node *next;


However, the type NODE isn’t even visible to a client program. Only the type LIST is

visible to a client (just the type -- not the struct members). Through the header file, LIST is equivalent to a struct list_struct which is specified as follows:

struct list_struct { NODE *front;

NODE *back;


Here is a diagram of a list with three entries: <3, 8, 2. The struct at the left (a LIST) gives access to the actual nodes.

There are 15 functions tagged with the word TODO in both list.h and llist.c. The points for each function is given in the table below.
Detailed descriptions of the requirements of each function are given in banner comments above the functions themselves.

(Note that the unwritten functions already have placeholder "stubs" for them (i.e., the functions technically already exist, but their bodies are empty).

































The grand total is 240 possible points.

Miscellaneous Stuff

Makefile: you have been given a basic makefile along with the source files. There is also another handout which reviews the following:

Manual compilation of ADTs like used in this assignment using gcc

Crash course on makefiles and the make program in the context of this assignment.

Testing: A major portion of your work will be devoted to testing your implementations. You have been given a bare-bones "driver" program in ll_tst.c which gives you a model of the sorts of things you should be thinking about.

Submission Details:

Your submission will be through blackboard and will include the following:

list.h (which actually should not have changed)

llist.c (this is the biggie!)

tester programs

makefile (you may extend the given makefile if you want),

readme (but only if there is something unusual about your submission that you want to point out to the TAs)


As suggested, you are expected to submit your tester programs. Your tester programs will not contribute to your score, but we want to be able to give you feedback on it.

Approximately 4 days before the assignment is due, we will release a suite of test cases. This will take the form of a driver program and they will be a subset of the test cases we will use for grading your submission.

The idea is to encourage you to think carefully about testing -- ideally, the test cases given will be redundant for you because you’ve already done similar tests; but if not, it is a bit of a wakeup call.

A somewhat trivial driver program has been given in ll_tst.c; we’ve also included a baseline makefile which you can modify.

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