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Herding the Elephants 2.0: Linked Lists Solution

Please  read  and  understand these  expectations thoroughly.   Failure  to  follow these  instructions could negatively  impact  your grade.  Rules detailed  in the  course syllabus  also apply  but  will not necessarily be repeated  here.

• Identification: Place you and your partner’s  x500 in a comment in all files you submit.  For example,  //Written by shino012 and hoang159.


• Submission: Submit  a zip or tar archive on Moodle containing  all your java files. You are allowed to change or modify your submission,  so submit  early and  often,  and  verify that  all your files are  in the submission.

Failure  to  submit  the  correct  files will result  in a score of zero for all missing  parts.   Late submissions and submissions in an abnormal format (such as .rar or .java) will be penalized. Only submissions  made via Moodle are acceptable.


• Partners: You  may  work  alone  or with  one  partner. Failure to tell us  who   is  your partner is indistinguishable from cheating and you  will  both receive a zero. Ensure all code shared  with your partner is private.


• Code: You must use the exact class and method signatures  we ask for. This is because we use a program  to evaluate  your code. Code that doesn’t compile will receive a significant penalty. Code should be compatible  with Java  8, which is installed  on the CSE Labs computers.


• Questions: Questions  related  to the  project  can be discussed on Moodle in abstract.  This relates to programming in Java,  understanding the writeup,  and topics covered in lecture and labs.  Do  not post any code or  solutions on  the forum. Do not  e-mail the  TAs  your questions  when they  can be asked on Moodle.


• Grading: Grading  will be done  by the  TAs,  so please address  grading  problems  to  them



IMPORTANT: You  are  NOT  permitted to  use ANY  built-in  libraries,  classes,  etc. Double  check  that you  have  NO  import  statements in  your  code,  except  for those explicitly  permitted.





Code  Style



Part of your grade will be decided based on the “code style”  demonstrated by your programming. In general,  all projects  will involve a style component.   This  should  not  be intimidating, but  it is fundamentally important. The following items represent “good” coding style:



• Use effective comments  to  document  what  important variables,  functions,  and  sections  of the  code are  for.  In general,  the  TA  should  be able to  understand your  logic through  the comments  left in the code.

Try to leave comments  as you program,  rather than  adding them all in at the end.  Comments should not feel like arbitrary busy work - they should be written  assuming the reader is fluent in Java,  yet has no idea how your program  works or why you chose certain  solutions.


• Use effective and standard indentation.


• Use descriptive  names  for variables.   Use standard Java  style for your names:  ClassName, functionName, variableName for structures in your code, and for the file names.



Try  to avoid the following stylistic  problems:




• Missing or highly redundant, useless comments.  int a = 5; //Set a to be 5 is not help- ful.


• Disorganized  and messy files. Poor indentation of braces ({ and }).


• Incoherent  variable  names.   Names  such  as  m and  numberOfIndicesToCount are  not  use- ful.  The  former is too short  to be descriptive,  while the  latter is much  too descriptive  and redundant.


• Slow functions.    While  some algorithms  are  more  efficient than  others,  functions  that are aggressively  inefficient could  be  penalized  even  if they  are  otherwise  correct.    In  general, functions  ought to terminate in under  5 seconds for any reasonable  input.



The  programming exercises detailed  in the following pages will both  be evaluated for code style. This will not be strict  – for example,  one bad indent or one subjective  variable  name are hardly  a problem.  However, if your code seems careless or confusing, or if no significant effort was made to document the code, then  points  will be deducted.


In further  projects  we will continue  to expect a reasonable  attempt at documentation and style as detailed  in this section.  If you are confused about the style guide, please talk  with a TA.





1    Introduction



IMPORTANT: This project utilizes similar concepts and java skills to Project 2. For brevity, this  write-up  omits  discussions  of generics  and  interfaces.    For  more  information,   see the instructions for Project  2.



In this  project  you are going to implement  a list [1] interface  to construct your own LinkedList

data  structure. Using this you will construct an ElephantHerd to hold a family of elephants  [2].



1.1    LinkedList  Implementation



The  first part  of this  project  will be to implement  a linked list.  Create  a class LinkedList that implements  all the methods  in List interface.  Recall that to implement the List interface  and use the generic compatibility with your code, LinkedList should have following structure:


public class LinkedList<T extends Comparable<T implements List<T {





The underlying  structure of a linked list is a node.  This means you will have an instance  variable that is the  first node of the  list.  The  provided contains  a generic node class that you will use for your linked list implementation∗ .



Your LinkedList class should have a single constructor:


public LinkedList() {





that initializes  the list to an empty  list.



Implementation Details



• In  addition   to  the  methods  described  in  the  List interface,  the  LinkedList class should contain a private  class variable isSorted. This should be initialized to true in the constructor (because it is sorted if it has no elements) and updated when the list is sorted, or more elements



∗  You may  implement your  linked  list  as a headed  list,  i.e., the  first  node  in the  list  is a ‘dummy’  node  and  the second  node  is the  first  element of the  list,  or a non-headed list,  i.e.,  the  first  node  is the  first  element of the  list. Depending on how you choose to implement your  list,  there  will be some small nuances.




are added  or set.  For the purposes  of this class, isSorted is only true  if the list is sorted  in ascending order.


• Initially  and after a call to clear(), the size should be zero and your list should be empty.


• In sort(), do  not use  an  array or  ArrayList to sort  the  elements.  You are required  to sort the values using only the linked list data  structure. You can move nodes or swap values but  you cannot  use an array  to store values while sorting.

• Depending  on your implementation, remember  that after  sorting,  the former first node may not be the current first node.




After you have implemented your LinkedList class, include junit tests that test all functionality.



2    An Elephant Herd



Slightly  modify your class ElephantHerd from Project  2 to use an underlying  LinkedList rather than  an ArrayList. Then  verify that the methods  still work as intended.


If you did the previous project  correctly,  this step should only require  the modification  of one line of code.



3    Analysis



Now that you have implemented and used both  an array  list and linked list, which one is better? Which methods  in List are more efficient for each implementation?



For  each  of the  13 methods  in List, compare  the  runtime  (Big-O)  for each  method  and  imple- mentation. Ignore any increased  efficiency caused by the flag isSorted. Include an analysis.txt or analysis.pdf with your submission  structured as follows:




Method                           ArrayList Runtime LinkedList Runtime Explanation boolean add(T element)           O(...)            O(...)             ...

boolean add(int index, T element) O(...)            O(...)            ...


.                                                                        .                                      .                                        .





Your  explanation for  each  method  only  needs  to  be  a  couple  sentences  briefly  justifying  your runtimes.





4    Iterators (Honors)



Note:  This section is **required** for students in Honors section only.  Optional  for others  but  no extra  credit.


Much like in Project  2, you will create  an iterator for the LinkedList class.



This section will require  you to write another  class, and to make modifications  to the LinkedList




You  will write  a LinkedListIterator class which  will iterate  over  a list.   This  iterator  should implement  java’s  iterator interface  in  addition   to  the  List<T interface.    Make  sure  to  import java.util.Iterator.  This class will have two functions  and a constructor. It will also need class variables  to store a pointer  to its LinkedList and the current index.



1.  LinkedListIterator(LinkedList a) – the  constructor.  This  constructor will never be di- rectly called by the user.  Instead, it will be called in the iterator() function in the LinkedList class.


2.  hasNext() – This will return true if there is another  object to iterate  on, and false otherwise.


3.  next() – This will return the next  object if there  is one, and null otherwise. The first line of the LinkedListIterator class should be as follows:

private class LinkedListIterator<T extends Comparable<T implements Iterator<T



Note  that in order  for a class to  be private,  it  must  be in the  same document  as another  class, and  within  the  curly  braces  of that class.   This  means  that LinkedListIterator should  be in the file, and should be in the curly braces  of LinkedList, with the methods  of LinkedList.


You will also need to make some modification  to the LinkedList class.  First,  the class now needs to implement Iterable.


public class LinkedList<T extends Comparable<T implements Iterable<T, List<T



Secondly, you will need to add the method public Iterator<T iterator(). This method should return a LinkedListIterator object by calling the LinkedListIterator constructor and passing itself to the constructor (via the this keyword).


Make sure to create  junit tests  to ensure that your iterator functions  as desired.

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