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DW131-03 Huayue Heart mind Eight Types Harmony Fist - Eight Piling Method -Wu Yinghua MP4

Eight piling method of Eight Types of Huayue Heart-mind Harmony Fist is filtrate by the predecessor from the whole fist types through practice again and again to meet the need of practice the fist skill in long run.

The purpose of this is to know well and comprehend the main meaning of this fist action through this practice, to achieve the aim of preserve your health, become strong and live longer.

To practice this action requires you stabilize your mind and heart, watch the soul independently, the muscle becomes one. You will be static when your mind and heart is stabilize, when it is static it can move, and when it move it can pass, when it pass it can last for long, and when it is long it can change a lot.

  • Lecturer: Wu Yinghua
  • Format: MP4
  • Language Speaking: Chinese 
  • Subtitle: English/Chinese
  • Length of time: 63'39"

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