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DW079-07 Xingyi Hsing I Quan Series - Xing Yi Twelve Style Boxing - Di Guoyong MP4

Xingyi Twelve-style Boxing is composed of twelve basic fist techniques which form by absorbing the advantages and features of dragon, tiger, monkey, horse, alligator, cock, swallow, sparrow hawk, snake, Chinese ostrich, eagle and bear, combining the fist forms, applying the principle of practicality of skillful attack and the method of reflecting the meaning by the shape.

Twelve-style Boxing is advanced content for further improvement after Wuxing Quan (Five-element Boxing). During exercises, we just require true meanings not alike shapes. Dragon has its way of searching bones. Tiger has its valor of preying on food. Monkey has its agility of jumping among mountains. Horse has its strength of bumping hoofs. Alligator has its skill of swimming in water. Cock has its gestation of struggle. Swallow has its singularity of skimming over the water. Sparrow hawk has its art of turning about. Snake has its ability of plucking grass. Chinese ostrich has its vigor of erecting its tail. Eagle has its accomplishment of hunting. Bear has its power of shaking its shoulders.   

  • Lecturer: Di Guoyong
  • Format: MP4
  • Language Speaking: Chinese 
  • Subtitle: English
  • Length of time: 66'11"

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