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6. BOPJAZZ Exercise Program - Section Six: The Cool Down

Section Six: The Cool Down

You've made it to the last section of the exercises... BRAVO!!

This is the chance to cool down and connect to our senses and the notion that you are almost at the end of your session of the BOPJazz Exercise Program.

This final section works through gentle stretching out of the upper body, hamstrings, thighs and lower back for further flexibility and to bring your body temperature, heartbeat, mind and energy back to a steady relaxed tempo.

Focus on how you are stretching and give your muscles and your body the attention they deserve and take a moment to just reflect what you have just achieved. You should now be ready to get on with your day will full vigour and energy.

Here's to living life through the art form and phyiscal wellbeing of Jazz Dance & Exercise. Keep the BOPJAZZ ENERGY with you and don't forget to pass it forward! 

See you at your next session!



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