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CRT Emulator (Retro Pixelation After Effects Template)

Easily convert any footage or text into a retro image with simple drag and drop in After Effects.

This Ae template will automatically pixelate and emulate an old CRT monitor or vintage television set.

Includes 3 separate templates:
- Simple CRT
- Pixelate
- Horizontal Lines

Once downloaded, you will find three different Ae 2020 project files + image placeholder file. In Ae, simply double click on the layer that reads, "DOUBLE-CLICK TO CHANGE IMAGE". This will open up a composition where you can either change the placeholder file or just start dragging in your own footage to this comp. Once you go back to the main comp, you'll see the pixelation in effect.

*MUST HAVE After Effects 2020 or later to use
*all sales are final

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