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REPLAY ~ Scorpio Full Moon with Sasha Bahador

Scorpio Full Moon Ceremony
Let’s gather: Monday, April 26th 6pm PST
Energy exchange: $22.22 



Sometimes, we need to regress to see how far we’ve come. Instead of beating yourself up, embrace your shadow, acknowledge your coping mechanisms and get back to your practices. Cut yourself some slack, you're a Human! One you see it, you can alchemize any disappointment or shame you’ve had with yourself into the fuel for your revival!


Three days after this full moon, the Sun is conjunct Uranus, resetting the cycle here. This is highly unpredictable and could be anything from shocks in the stock market or crypto currencies to shocking revelations about who you are. The emptier you are going into this day, the more clearly you’ll be able to receive this electric transmission.


For this watery full moon, bring to ceremony sage/cedar/sweetgrass smudge, clay/metal bowl to do a small burn ritual in, a candle, a sacred altar item. Prepare by creating a quiet & intimate space for yourself to break through & release.


The energy exchange is $22.22.  Once you complete the transaction, you will be sent a PDF with all the info, including the Zoom Room link for the circle. While two email reminders will be sent out, please note that you can always access the room via that link. 
We want everyone who would like to gather to be able to join so we have created two discount codes. LUNARLOVE for 25% off / RADICAL for 75% off. Please remember this is how Sasha makes her livelihood, so please exercise integrity when utilizing the discount codes. If you cannot afford anything at this time, please help by sharing the gathering on your socials and tagging @sashabahador & @attunetothemoon as a way of karmic exchange. 
Any questions? Contact us at 



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