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Full Moon in Cancer Circle with Sasha Bahador ~ REPLAY


Let's Gather 
December 29th at 5pm PST/8pm EST with Sasha Bahador 
This is the REPLAY. The link is on the PDF that will be available once you complete your order. If you do not see it in your email, please look for an email from Sellfy. Thank you! :) 

Calling on all to gather under the fullness of the moon. 

These gatherings will enliven your inner moon lover, soften you to your heart, and support you in being witnessed in your wholeness. Each circle is steeped in sacred ritual, dance, song, astrology, journaling. 

 For this watery full moon, bring to ceremony a chalice of water, dried flower petals/ essential oil to make aqua flora, a candle, a sacred altar item. Prepare by creating a quiet & intimate space for yourself to cleanse & nurture.
The energy exchange is $20.20.  Once you complete the transaction, you will be sent a PDF with all the info, including the Zoom Room link for the circle. While two email reminders will be sent out, please note that you can always access the room via that link. 
We want everyone who would like to gather to be able to join so we have created two discount codes. LUNARLOVE for 25% off / RADICAL for 75% off. Please remember this is how Sasha makes her livelihood, so please exercise integrity when utilizing the discount codes. If you cannot afford anything at this time, please help by sharing the gathering on your socials and tagging @sashabahador & @attunetothemoon as a way of karmic exchange. 
Any questions? Contact us at 


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