Current version:
- Denon Conversion Utility 6.504, released Nov 27th, 2024 requires Engine DJ 4.1 or newer
- Denon eXtractor Tool 5.51, released Nov 28th, 2024 requires Engine DJ 4.1 or newer
- iR Collection Backup Tool 3.3, released June 22nd, 2024
- Engine Prime Cleaner 3.2, releasedJune 22nd, 2024
For compatibility purposes, I’ll continue to provide the older versions of my apps that support Engine DJ versions below 4.1, but please note that these versions will no longer receive active updates.
The Denon Conversion Utility is a software suite instead of just a single app.
The tools are compatible with both the old Engine Prime 1.x and Engine DJ/OS 4.x
Buying DeCU will get you:
- The Denon Conversion Utility (DeCU) to convert from various workflows to Denon Engine Prime and the Prime series of players /controllers.
- The iTunes Rekordbox Collection Backup Tool (CBT) to backup all tracks contained in a Rekordbox.xml or iTunes XML to a single folder. Regardless of the track's original storage location. CBT is also available as a separate app.
- The Denon eXtractor Tool (DeXT), conversion from Engine Prime to Rekordbox.xml see this tutorial From Engine Prime to Rekordbox
- Engine Prime Cleaner, (EPC) relocate missing audio files automatically and much more. see this tutorial Relocate missing tracks from Engine Prime automatically: Engine Prime Cleaner EPC [macOS only]
DeCU can operate from various sources as a base for its operations
- Rekordbox prepared CDJ USB drive
- Rekordbox collection
If you use the additional DJ Conversion Utility you can convert from:
- Native Instruments Traktor collection or selected playlists converted by the DJ Conversion Utility to Rekordbox.xml
- Serato collection or selected crates converted by the DJ Conversion Utility to Rekordbox.xml
- Virtual DJ
- Algoriddim's djay Pro
The usage of different sources can be mixed in the same Engine Prime collection.
Here are some schematics with the possible workflows between the most common DJ software and Engine Prime in both directions.
An Rekordbox.xml as a source (= DJ Conversion Utility converted Serato DJ Pro and Traktor collection)
- Cues and loops will be converted to Engine Prime with their names and colors.
- DeCU will convert key, bpm and the first beatmaker to Engine Prime.
- DeCU will not interferer with any tags, cues, loops or any other data set in the original collection, they remain 100% where they are.
- All folders and playlists are translated to crates in Engine Prime maintaining their nesting structure. Optionally you can convert to Engine Prime playlists which have their track order as it is in the Rekordbox.
- If you use colors for your cues in Rekordbox DeCU will give the converted cues the closest available color in Engine Prime color space. Alternatively, DeCU can assign a fixed unique color to each cue/loop so they are quickly identifiable on the SC5000's pads.
- Conversion can be run partially and as often as you like. DeCU will make sure there are no unintended duplicate tracks in your collection.
- If you don't need the cues and loops you've set in Rekordbox or the tracks are already part of the Engine Prime Collection then processing time is very fast. This feature can be used to quickly (re)create playlist/crate structures.
- Before writing to your Engine Prime collection DeCU will automatically create a backup if the previous backup is older then 24hrs.
See the conversion in action at:
From Rekordbox, Traktor, Serato, VDJ to a Denon Prime performance drive
iTunes collection as a source.
- All folders and playlists are translated from iTunes to crates in Engine Prime maintaining their nesting structure. Optionally you can convert playlists to Engine Prime playlists which keeps the track order as it is in the Rekordbox playlist.
- It only takes seconds if tracks are already part of your Engine Prime collection.
- For users of both Serato and iTunes, this provides some delivery methods of Serato cues and loops not available otherwise, such as modifying cues in Serato and delivering these modifications to Engine
- Prime for tracks that are already part of the EP collection.
See the conversion in action at:
from iTunes or the to a Denon Prime performance drive
Known limitations
The apps in the DeCU package only work on UTF8 character sets. Extended characters sets in UTF16 (e.g. Greek and Hebrew characters) are not supported.
A workflow with the iTunes Rekordbox Collection Backup Tool (CBT) at the start of the workflow circumvents this problem. CBT changes all filepaths on the target drive to pure ASCII.
Stay informed about all things DeCU and all my other DJ specific apps, subscribe to my YouTube channel.
If you think the videos are helpful then I appreciate a thumbs up. If you think there are subjects about either DeCU or Engine prime that are not entirely clear, feel free to contact me.
- macOS only including the M1/M2 macs. (no refund to Windows users who accidentally buy this app!)
- fully compatible with macOS from version 10.13 (High Sierra) upto macOS 15 (Sonoma) including M1/M2 macs
- fully compatible with Engine Prime 1.3 and up and Engine DJ 4.x
- fully compatible with Rekordbox 5.x, 6.x and 7.x.
- the App requires an open internet connection during startup
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The license to the app is the PayPal email address used to pay for the purchase. This is not necessarily the same email address as the download link was sent to. If you don't know your license anymore, we can only look up PayPal information for the past 2 years. If your purchase was earlier then we can not help you and you need to buy a new license.