The market leader when it comes to conversion tools for DJs
Current version 7.063 released February 4th, 2025
Don't believe me, believe the users:
Read what the DJCU users say on the app's FaceBook page
Watch the review of DJCU by Beatsource's Mojaxx on YouTube
All ATGR apps work with both Rekordbox 6 and Rekordbox 7
Pay to own, not a subscription. DJCU is on the market for over 10 years now and is used by thousands of DJs around the world. All updates have been free and so is our knowledgeable support. We are committed to continue this policy in the future.
https://www.ATGR.nl is now an interactive advisory tool. Simply select your current DJ software and where you want to convert into and the site will show you all relevant info including the apps you need and the tutorials videos.
This is just a small selection of all the tutorial videos:
Convert from Traktor to Rekordbox 6 & other DJ software DJCU 5.0 [macOS]
Convert from Serato to Rekordbox 6 & other DJ software DJCU 5.0 [macOS]
Convert from Virtual DJ to Rekordbox 6 & other DJ software DJCU 5.0 [macOS]
Conversion from djay Pro 5 to Rekordbox, Serato, Traktor, VDJ [macOS only]
Conversion to Serato, Traktor or Virtual DJ using the DJ Conversion Utility (DJCU) [macOS]
How to convert from Rekordbox to djay Pro 5
How to convert from Serato to djay Pro 5 (same method for Traktor & VirtualDJ)
Export to Engine OS requires the additional purchase of Denon Conversion Utility
Convert a CDJ USB into one that also works with Traktor, Serato, djay Pro AI, Virtual DJ and Denon Prime (Denon Prime compatibility requires the Denon Conversion Utility, to be purchased separately)
Ask Me Anything collection conversion and management for DJs : One Drive to Rule them All 2022
What does DJCU convert from and to?
Cues, loops, beat grid, folder/playlist structure (for Traktor & Rekordbox) or crate structure (for Serato) for the following platforms:
It is possible to make combinations, e.g. when you want to convert from Serato to Traktor.
Here are some examples of linked conversions:
1&7 combined converts from Traktor to Serato
2&8 combined converts from Serato to Traktor
3&7 combined converts from Virtual DJ to Serato
3&8 combined converts from Virtual DJ to Traktor
4&7 combined converts from djay Pro AI to Serato
from Traktor Pro
to Rekordbox, iTunes, Serato, VirtualDJ and djay
The DJ Conversion Utility converts hot cues, saved loops and beat grids from Native Instruments Traktor Pro to Pioneer's Rekordbox. Cues are stored both as hot cues as well as memory cues and keep their given names.
The converted folders and playlists in Rekordbox will appear identical to how they are in Traktor, with the nesting structure intact.
from Serato DJ Pro
to Rekordbox, iTunes, Traktor, VirtualDJ and djay
DJCU is the most elegant and easiest way to convert your Serato DJ crates to Rekordbox. There are 3 different variations for assigning cues and loops to Rekordbox's hot and memory banks.
The converted folders and playlists in Rekordbox will appear identical to how the crates look in Serato, with their nesting structure intact.
From Rekordbox XML
to Serato
The following Rekordbox data is converted to Serato:
Other metadata such as import dates are not converted.
The supported audio formats for the Rekordbox to Serato conversion are MP3, AIFF, FLAC, MP4 (=m4a), and WAV. I'm especially proud of WAV since it officially has no tagging mechanism grids are not converted to WAV.
iTunes/Music.app integration
This option is extremely powerful. It gives you the possibility to recreate in iTunes the folder/playlist(s) you have in your current DJ software. You can even sync your iOS devices with these playlists.
Denon Prime users:
The Denon Conversion Utility (DeCU) and it's companion apps can use the Rekordbox(DJCU).XML file DJCU creates as input. Without the need to go through Rekordbox.
DeCU and it's bundled iR Collection Backup Tool combined with DJCU enables an effortless conversion of Serato DJ Pro, Traktor and VDJ to all Denon Prime compatible hardware.
DeCU is sold seperately.
Algoriddim djay Pro 5:
Converted are cues with name & color & loops with names, track color, starrating and playcount. The beatgrid is NOT converted!
Known limitations
No Downloadlink received, need to download the app again?
Follow this tutorial:
How to download the latest version of any ATGR app
License lost?
The license to the app is the PayPal email address used to pay for the purchase. This is not necessarily the same email address as the download link was sent to. If you don't know your license anymore, we can only look up PayPal information for the past 2 years. If your purchase was earlier then we can not help you and you need to buy a new license.
Other languages:
I only speak English and Dutch, some active users have created tutorials for DJCU in their native language:
French tutorial video:
Italian tutorials:
how to convert from Rekorbox to Traktor
From Traktor to Rekordbox
Spostare Playlist da Traktor a Rekordbox DJ Conversion Utility
From Rekordbox to Virtual DJ
Spostare Playlist da Rekordbox a Virtual Dj e non solo Dj Conversion Utility
Convert from Serato to Rekordbox
French Video tutorial: