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Settling For Success Masterclass

Master Class

The settling for success master class is a collection of videos that are about making changes in your life. These videos are designed to help you break down some of the walls that you have built up and rid you of some of the negative ideas associated with the ups and downs of striving for more. Watching the videos in this master class will help you to open your mind and tap into your unlocked potential. 

Part 1 The difference between settling and giving up

When most people hear the word settling, they cringe a bit and think of living in a one bedroom shack, married to someone they hate and working a dead end job. We spend our whole lives being taught not to settle for less so the thought of settling in order to succeed is completely foreign and even somewhat ridiculous. 

The truth is that when most people think of settling, they are actually imagining what it looks like to give up. Settling is taking what you can get to stay on your path while giving up is leaving your path completely. Sometimes you just can’t get exactly what you want at the moment but you can get a little more than what you have and put yourself closer to what you ultimately want. This premium video will show you how to recognize the difference between settling for success and giving up your dream. 

Part 2 Preparing to win

Most people want to succeed at their goals but really just don’t know how. Throughout our lives, most people are told that they can be anything that they want to be but most aren’t told how to go about this. People simply spout cliches like believe in yourself or work hard and that usually passes for good advice. Many people want to succeed but simply don’t have the tools to do so. Almost every adult knows that there is more to getting what you want than just working hard and believing in themselves but unfortunately, most have absolutely no clue what any of the other elements of success are. This premium video will give you some of the tool necessary to prepare yourself for success in all things that you choose to conquer in life. 

Part 3 Maximizing options

I think that most people will admit that they have left a lot on the table even when they did succeed. Even when we do have successes, we generally have not been taught how to maximize them. Most people don’t really have a game plan for success and even fewer have one for what to do after they succeed at something. This premium video will show you how to get the most out of your success and failures so that you can always be ready for the next challenge ahead. 


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