Starting from:


Dirty, Loving Him Against The Odds (Epub/Tablet)

It took many years for 35-year-old Trish to finally admit that her marriage was dead and the man she had married was one big ass. Now, determined to restart her life, she relocates back to Atlanta. While there, she began making money buying and selling real estate...and then came Brayden.

Trish was shocked to find the awkward boy she recalled from her youth had grown into the handsome, rich man with the Barry White voice. His eyes spoke a promise of fulfilling her every sexual desire but there was one problem. He was white, which was new to her. And, even if she decided to try something new, what she doesn't know is that Brayden has a secret that he doesn't want her to find out about.

From the day Trish walked into the gym with her three children, Brayden had set his sights on making her his. All he had to do was wait for the right opportunity to put his plan into motion. With every meeting, every date, every touch, he found himself wanting Trish more and more, although she resisted. Will he be able to hold on to her and the love he's found after she finds out the truth about him? Will she walk away? Or will she love Brayden against all odds?

© 2016
Published by Royalty Publishing House

All rights reserved.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Unauthorized reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited.