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Dangerous 2; Loving The Gangster (Pdf)

Trent’s mouth was twisted. “You need to let Callie go.”

“And if I don’t?” Marcus taunted with a menacing grin.

Trent inhaled deeply, “It’s your death.”

He charged forward; his gun pointed at Marcus’s chest. Marcus smiled as if that was precisely what he wanted. He cocked his gun. All I could do was watch in horror as both men pulled their triggers. A deafening boom shook the dirty room as both men fell to the ground. Trent was laying still on the ground.

“TRENT!” I cried out wondering if I had just lost him forever.

Trent Mason is danger personified. Callie knew that from the moment she met him. That didn’t stop her for falling for him. Now Callie was pulled into Trent’s crazy life. They were surrounded by his enemies, but Callie refused to run. She had fallen for the gangster and only their love would save them both.