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2016-11 Kristyna

Bra Strap Long Hair to Short

Kristyna has long thick curly hair but hates her curls so she has to use a hair-iron every day to straighten it. She has had long hair since her childhood and realy wants radical change. She is very happy to getting rid of her unmanageable heavy hair and has no regret when sees her ugly curls on the floor. This hair transformation is breathtaking when long haired lady changes into modern short haired woman with buzzed back and sides.


  • Hair at the beginning: Long curly but straighten to the bra strap
  • Hair at the end: Short with buzzed back and sides
  • Location: Salon
  • Hairdresser: Female
  • Process: Shampoo, cutting wet hair, buzzing, drying, straightening, shampoo, drying, styling
  • Interview with model: At the beginning and at the end
  • English subtitles: Yes
  • Camera: Active
  • Format: Full HD 1920 x 1080, 25 fps, .mkv
  • Size: 1,44 GB
  • Runtime: 1:23:09


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